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Bath Salts

Not a street or club drug we all know, but a household item, Ivory Wave bath salt. Misuse of the bath salt has the same effects as meth, and is actually banned in Scotland following deaths related to the misuse of he product.

They are calling the bath salts synthetic cocaine. The usage of this product is a fast-growing, highly addictive trend. Young people are saying they can’t get enough of the fake coke, and it's doing a lot of damage. Teens are reporting that they were using K-2 but have moved on to the fake coke “Charge” now.

“Bath salts” or “Charge” or “Ivory,” the new “Miaow, Miaow”, they’re different names for different types of> cocaine substitutes. People say it looks just like cocaine, but what it does to you is even worse.

Ivory Wave bath salt is a cheap way to get high. Family members are reporting that their loved ones are staying awake for as long as 72 hours in complete pandemonium. This new addiction is landing teens and adults in the emergency rooms.

Lee County Sheriff, Jim Johnson says: "Hallucinations, seeing things that weren't there. We had one individual in the backseat of our car that was just absolutely paranoid because he felt like cars were trying to run over him while he was in the patrol car."

Some stores have pulled the product out of their shelves after finding out about the disturbances related to the misuse of the salt bath. For now, as it is legal and there is no penalty for selling the product some stores are keeping Ivory Wave bath salts it in stock, sadly cashing in on the addiction of others.

If you or someone you know has gotten involved with this highly addictive substance or any other drug, please seek help before it’s too late. For immediate attention seek your nearest emergency room..
Material above is courtesy of: http://www.cdc.gov
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